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Midlife (sometimes defined as age 35-65) is a combination of endings, messy middles, and beginnings, often a time of transitions, accompanied by a cocktail of joy, confusion, questioning, and excitement. Now is the perfect time to deliberately pause and consider what you want in your work and in your life, regardless of your age or stage in life.


Mastering Midlife is an interactive, experiential course in which you will consider what you want in life and at work. Midlife is broadly and self-defined, often including the quintessential questions of “What is next?” and “How can I live my life the way I want to?” Not to mention, “Who am I and what impact can I make?” In this four-week online course, you will consider how you became who you are and what you want to shift to be who you want to be, professionally and personally. We will learn to stop “shoulding” on ourselves so we can make room for the things we want to do. We all have multiple overlapping curves, with some ending as others begin – this awareness can help us choose to live by design, rather than by default.

Four sessions meeting from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. EDT on Fridays: March 8, March 22, April 5, April 19.

Topics include

  • Looking back to look forward
  • Interests, strengths, “weirdness” (hidden or visible)
  • Decision factors and influences
  • Constraints, derailers, facilitators
  • Influences on who we were, who we are, who we could be
  • Frameworks and toolkits for mastering midlife

Expected Outcomes

  • Reinvention of yourself as a leader, a professional, a human
  • Conquer the “shoulds” in your life so you make room for purpose and
  • Impact Discovery and possible rewrite of the scripts that you have lived by

  • Exploration of who you have been, who you are, and who you want to be
  • Choose to live intentionally, choosing your own path of happiness and
  • Fulfillment Clarity on what you want in life
  • An action plan on how to move forward
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